browser usage on Sandglaz

Starting today, Sandglaz is no longer supporting Internet Explorer 8.

Why are you doing that?

IE8 is way behind the curve: it is slow, insecure and is incompatible with most modern HTML5 capabilities. To get IE8 to properly run a modern application like Sandglaz requires a significant amount of effort. Since IE8 represents a tiny and shrinking portion of our web traffic (around 1%), and to be keep on innovating fast, we decided that dropping support for IE8 is the best course of action.

What should I do if I use IE8?

You have a few options:

  • Upgrade to a modern browser like Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.
  • Upgrade to IE9 or the upcoming IE10 which will be released along with Windows 8.
  • If you're forced to use IE8, install ChromeFrame. It allows your to continue to use IE8, but renders your pages using the modern Chrome rendering engine.

Why should I care?

This will enhance your Sandglaz experience and allow the web to move forward. We're doing our part by dropping support for IE8. You can do yours and spread the word.